【拉丁学名】:Ochna integerrima
界:植物界 门:被子植物门
纲:双子叶植物纲 亚:纲原始花被亚纲
目:山茶目 亚目:山茶亚目
科:金莲木科 属:金莲木属
Gold lotus wood
【Chinese Scientific Name 】:Gold lotus wood
【Latin name】:Ochna integerrima
【Nickname (s)】:Pear wood
Phylum (kingdom) : Phylum (kingdom) : Angiosperm
Class: Dicotyledonous Subclass: Class Proto-perianth Subclass
Order: Camellia suborder: Camellia suborder
Family: Agnatiaceae Genus: Agnatiaceae
Species: Jinlian wood
【Distribution of Origin】: Southwest Guangdong (including Hainan Island) and Southwest Guangxi
【medical】: the seed from green to black, and very like Mickey Mouse's head, with high ornamental value of lotus wood is one of the few woody medicinal plants all material, its bark can be used to treat diseases of the digestive system, the root drive midge insecticides resistance, leaves and branches contain a variety of flavonoids, compounds and flavonoid glycosides have anti-hiv activity.
【Material】: Can be made of furniture, root carving, construction and so on.